3 steps to a daycare place

Register and log in

Search by age, area, type of care

Request up to 6 daycare centers and receive offers
General questions about "Kitafinder" may be answered in our FAQ's.
Portal instructions in 12 different languages can be found hier.
On the homepage of the city of Erlangen you will find outside the "Kitafinder" you will find lots of information about the daycare centers in Erlangen and all aspects of childcare.
Make a request
You can request a childcare place at the earliest 36 months before request a childcare place and submit up to 6 childcare requests.
Allocation of places
If the daycare center has places available, it can offer you a place for your child and invite you to an interview. The rules on how places are allocated different in every daycare center. You can find out more about this in the "Kitafinder" in the information on the respective daycare center. Firm commitments for a place are made at the earliest 18 months before the start of childcare. Most places are allocated for the start of a daycare year on 01.09. You should therefore submit your childcare requests by 30.11. of the previous year.
Child day care
You can also use "Kitafinder" to request a place in child day care, i.e. with a childminder. The specialist child day care service (Fachdienst Kindertagespflege) will advise you on this and find you a suitable day care. You can find the child day care centrally via the search for childcare places for children from 0-3 years, but not via the area search (-Please do not enter a postal code-). A childcare inquiry can be made via "Anmeldung zentral Fachdienst Kindertagespflege".