Hort Mitte

Hort Mitte
Turnstraße 8
91054 Erlangen
Funding authority
Stadt Erlangen (Krippe, Kindergarten, Hort)
Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen
09131/863590 (Herr Bleier)
Opening times11:00 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
Closing days- Faschingsdienstag ab 12:00 Uhr
- Erste Woche der Pfingstferien
- Dritte und Vierte Woche der Sommerferien
- Weihnachtsferien
- ca. 3 Brückentage

Insgesamt ungefähr 25 Tage
Extras care with lunch

Current information


The after-school care centre is located in the centre of Erlangen and is directly adjacent to the Loschgeschule.
Primary school children aged 6-10 are looked after at the after-school centre. We currently look after 100 children at the centre, including children with individual support needs. These are divided into four mixed-age groups.
In addition to homework supervision, we offer daily low-threshold, themed workshops. Varied holiday programmes and activities for parents and families round off our offer.
The children should have a living space in the Hort Mitte where they experience recognition, belonging and the right to self-determination and participation in events. The team makes this possible through individual rules and freedoms tailored to each group.

Städt. Hort Mitte - Turnstraße | Stadt Erlangen



The after-school care centre looks after 100 children from Year 1 to Year 4 in four mixed-age and mixed-gender groups. Due to the different spatial conditions, the number of children in the groups varies between 20 and 27 children.
We have several adjoining rooms such as a studio and a library.
The groups use classrooms at the Losch School for homework supervision. The after-school care centre also has access to a kitchen, a multi-purpose room, the school gym by arrangement, as well as storage rooms for materials, an office and staff room, a utility room and sanitary facilities.


Outdoor Facilities

For outdoor activities, we share the schoolyard with the Loschgeschule.

Daily Schedule

Day Care during school hours

from 11:20 am: Arrival of the children in their groups


Homework or free play

13:00: Lunch

13:30: Free play in the playground

from 14:00: Homework time or free play

from 15:30: AG's

from 17:00: End of the day in the groups

Special feature: Fridays from 14:00 "Friday activity"


The children receive lunch, snacks and drinks on all opening days.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:06)

Offered care types at Jan 18, 2025:

Kind of care


It is important to us to promote the child's development into an autonomous and independent personality.
We adapt our educational programmes to the needs and interests of the children and their families and focus on teaching respect for human dignity and the preservation of nature.

LINK: Städt. Hort Mitte - Turnstraße | Stadt Erlangen

An active programme is particularly important to us during the holidays. That's why we go on many excursions by bike
Part of our concept is animal-assisted education. Our day-care dog Bucky supports the children in developing their personality in everyday life at the day-care centre.

Additional Offerings

Through a variety of different programmes and activities, every child has the chance to get involved according to their individual interests.


Project work usually takes place from Monday to Thursday between 3.30 pm and 4.30 pm. It is divided into open (children can decide from week to week whether they want to take part) and fixed programmes (projects with fixed groups for a half or whole school year).


Parents and children meet on a Saturday in October at a fixed location. Groups of several families then have to complete a signposted route with autumnal tasks. At the end - after a cosy lunch - there is a joint award ceremony.

Holiday camps:

In the second week of the Whitsun holidays and in the first week of the summer holidays, we take around 15 children on a one-week holiday trip. It is very important to spend the holidays with friends and to have new, exciting experiences together (e.g. hiking, climbing, carefree play in the forest, campfires, experiences with animals, etc.).

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:06)


Our gymnasium is currently being renovated. This will result in restrictions in the playground. If necessary, the after-school care centre will move to play areas in the surrounding area.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:06)


The binding guidelines for the admission of children were drawn up by the responsible body.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:06)

Description and Stations

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:06)

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