Integrative Grundschullernstube Max-Planck-Straße

1.- 4. Klasse

Integrative Grundschullernstube Max-Planck-Straße
Max-Planck-Straße 42
91058 Erlangen
Funding authority
Stadt Erlangen (Spiel- und Lernstube)
Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen
09131/64242 (Frau Chan)
Opening times11:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs

Current information

The Lernstube is open during the school holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m..


The primary school nurseries of the Erlangen City Youth Welfare Office are day care centers for school-age children with special needs.

They are located in districts with special social development needs and high stress factors. This means that they are located in the children's immediate living environment.

They work in small groups with a maximum of 16 children. Each group of 5 to 6 children is looked after by a pedagogical specialist as a caregiver.

As a low-threshold service, they offer more intensive support to children in their personal and/or family situation.


The Lernstube supports your child in their development and education - tailored to their strengths and talents. Because every child is different.


That is why there are also integrative places in the Lernstube. Specialist services can help with integration into the group.


The educational specialists at the Lernstube support and accompany you as parents in everyday educational issues and are available to advise you on special challenges.


  • an eat-in kitchen, which is used for meals and as a group room
  • two homework rooms
  • a work and creative room
  • three bathrooms, one of which has a shower
  • a quiet room (therapy room)
  • one exercise room
  • one office
  • a storage room


Outdoor Facilities

There is a hammock and balancing poles in our small outdoor area. The children take care of the planting and maintenance of the raised beds.

Various outdoor toys are available to the children.

Daily Schedule

The daily routine is based on the needs of the children and can therefore be changed at any time.

9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

  • Preparation of the educational work and support sessions
  • Administrative and organizational work
  • Contact with parents and teachers
  • Discussions with the families' support system and them
  • Team meeting, as well as individual and team supervision
  • Reflection on the work
  • Cooperation with other learning centers and institutions
  • Guidance of the interns
  • Shopping and housekeeping activities

from 11.00 a.m.

  • Opening time for the children in the learning room
  • Free play time
  • Individual support (educational mentors/specialist service)
  • Lunch preparation, if necessary with the help of the children

1.30 2.00 p.m.

  • Lunch together
  • Housekeeping activities by the children's group services
  • Brushing teeth

2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

  • Homework supervision with pedagogical support in fixed small groups (5-6 children, 1 supervisor)
  • Work on school difficulties through targeted exercises

3.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

  • Group activities tailored to the needs of the children
  • Weekly activities, also with external specialists in the learning room
  • Projects, workshops and activities inside and outside the facility
  • Individual support from the specialist service
  • Free play time

4.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

  • Discussion group and afternoon snack
  • End of the day, possibly with a final game

All children leave the facility by 5.00 p.m.



We offer a warm and balanced lunch for all children every day. The food is prepared by a lunchtime caterer.

Breakfast, snack

A small snack such as fruit is served in the afternoon.

During the vacations, we offer the children breakfast together in the learning room.


Water, various teas and juices are available to the children throughout the day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 10:00:42)

Offered care types at Jan 18, 2025:

Kind of care


In the familiar, mixed-age group of 16 children, they find a learning and experience environment in which they can practice and learn social behavior. Here, the children learn to take responsibility, work together with others, deal with the opinions of others and resolve conflicts without violence. Children with special problems and difficulties receive targeted support in individual or small groups.

Our work is based on the holistic view of the human being. The development of the child's personality is therefore our top priority. We want to give children the opportunity to develop according to their talents, inclinations, abilities, skills and abilities. Through targeted support, we also try, as far as possible, to reduce and compensate for any developmental deficits.

In our educational work, we place particular emphasis on the development of positive self-esteem and self-confidence, which for us is the basis of healthy development.

The education of the child is another focus of our work. We are particularly interested in imparting knowledge to the children so that they are able to actively shape their lives and understand connections in nature, the environment and technology. This also includes teaching the children about other cultures so that they can tolerate and accept them. The promotion of the German language as a basis for school education is of particular importance to us.

In addition, school support is another important part of our work. With the help, guidance and support of the learning room staff, the child is led to take responsibility for their homework and learns to complete their tasks independently and conscientiously. Working through difficulties at school and targeted exercises are part of the learning room's offer. This does not replace learning at home. Regular and intensive cooperation with parents or guardians and teachers is very important to us in order to exchange information and discuss pedagogical and didactic approaches.

There are also planned activities in the form of workshops and projects in which the children can participate.

Additional Offerings

Cooperation with the school

  • Intensive cooperation with the teachers
  • Joint discussions with parents/guardians and teachers
  • Close cooperation with youth social work at schools

Specialist services

  • General social services
  • Educational and counseling centers
  • Medical, speech therapy and occupational therapy advice
  • Internal and external specialist services for individual support for children in inclusive places

Networking in the district

  • Regular meetings with other play and learning centers in the district
  • Working groups on various topics
  • Regular meetings at the youth welfare office
  • Cooperation with primary and secondary schools and the special education support center
  • Cooperation with youth social work, the open meeting place and the district's adventure playground
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 10:00:42)


Social learning

Social learning takes place in daily interaction with each other. We support and encourage this in all educational activities, such as helping each other, settling disputes without violence, making and maintaining friendships, showing consideration for each other and taking on tasks for the group.

In addition, we offer special activities and campaigns that also support and promote social interaction. These include, for example, vacation trips lasting several days, participation in soccer tournaments, outdoor activities, parties and celebrations.

Everyday skills

  • Table manners
  • Behavior in road traffic
  • Learning order and structure
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Reading the bus timetable/riding the bus independently
  • Tying shoes...

Children of other age groups

In the district, cooperation takes place between play and learning rooms, such as joint projects, cultural activities, as well as parties and celebrations.

Transitions from the playroom to the primary school classroom are also accompanied jointly in order to create a good transition for children and parents.

Girls and boys

There are activities for the whole group, as well as activities specifically for boys and girls. These are based on the interests and needs of the children. Units are offered to strengthen self-confidence and topics brought up by the children are discussed.

Intercultural learning

The children in the Lernstube come from many different cultures.As a result, there is always a lively exchange about different traditions, festivals and rituals. As a result, the children expand their knowledge and develop an understanding of diversity.

Value orientation and religionAs we are a municipal facility, there is no religious education.Due to the different religious affiliations of the children, there are always opportunities for discussions about different faiths. A tolerant and understanding approach is very important to us.

In everyday life in the learning room, care is taken to ensure that there is polite, respectful, honest and attentive interaction with one another.


  • The teachers act as language role modelsplayful reading exercises take place regularlyOffer: "bookworm" --> a coherent book is read aloud once a week
  • language games
  • Individual support as required

Information and communication technology, mediabooks

  • CDS
  • Tonie Box
  • Independent use of games and learning programs on computer and tablet
  • Reading corner with story and non-fiction books, as well as Tip Toi books and Tip Toi games
  • Children's movies

Science and technology

Experiments are carried out in the learning room according to the children's interests. It is important to us to familiarize the children with the scientific background.


We attach great importance to waste separation and upcycling at the facility.

We avoid waste by using reusable lunch boxes and drinking bottles on excursions.When shopping for food, we make sure we use less packaging waste, organic and regional products, as well as keeping animals in a species-appropriate manner.Aesthetics, art and cultureCreative activities are carried out in the learning room in line with the annual cycle. We offer the children various design techniques.In addition, festivals and celebrations are prepared and held together with the group.Museums, the town and the library can also be visited during the vacations.MusicThe children use the Toni Box every day to listen to music and stories. 
They also have a CD player and a music system at their disposal.

Songs are sung to match the annual cycle.

Movement, rhythm, dance and sport.

We regularly visit the gym at the Emmy-Noether-Gymnasium and go to the nearby playgrounds and sports fields.

The facility has an exercise room. Various elements such as a hammock, flexi-sheet and ropes can be installed there. The large building blocks available stimulate the children's imagination. They construct caves, parkours and much more.


In the learning room, the children are taught about healthy eating. This is supported by the children helping to prepare meals.

Hygiene education is an important part of the daily work. This includes brushing teeth, washing hands, combing hair and discussing personal hygiene.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 10:00:42)

Description and Stations

The facility is located in the Erlangen Bruck district and can be reached by bus lines 285 and 286 via the final stop Max-Planck-Straße.

There are several playgrounds, an adventure playground, the Brucker Lache elementary school and the Emmy-Noether-Gymnasium in the vicinity of the Lernstube.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 10:00:42)

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