Kinderhaus Stadtinsel

Kinderhaus Stadtinsel
Wasserturmstraße 16
91054 Erlangen
Funding authority
Stadt Erlangen (Krippe, Kindergarten, Hort)
Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch

Current information

S   T   A   D   T

  • Im Mittelpunkt steht das Kind, welches von Geburt an eine eigenständige und individuelle Persönlichkeit darstellt. Wir nehmen seine Stärken, Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten an und begleiten es, um den späteren gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen standhalten zu können.
  • Neugierig, experimentierfreudig, kreativ, wissbegierig, kontaktfreudig, begeisterungsfähig und kompetent sind Kinder von Natur aus. Sie sind ihr aktiver Gestalter des Bildungsprozesses in ihrem eigenen Rhythmus.
  • Sicherheit, Lebensfreude und weitgehende Unbeschwertheit.
  • Erzieher als Regisseur des Bildungsprozesses.
  • Lebensräume bieten, um den ständigen Lernprozessen einen Boden zu geben. Begleitet von einem engen Dialog zwischen allen Beteiligten: Kind– Erzieher und   Familie erweitert durch Team und Träger.


Children aged 1-6 years are cared for at the Kinderhaus Stadtinsel. The facility has space for a total of 87 children. Of these, 75 are kindergarten places and 12 are crèche places.


The house has 2 floors

On the first floor there is a kindergarten and crèche group, a garden with two sandpits, a slide, swings and climbing frame, as well as the gym and rest room and the office
On the first floor there are two further kindergarten groups, the staff room and a roof terrace for the children and staff.

Outdoor Facilities


Daily Schedule

Lorem Ipsum



Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:31)

Offered care types at Jan 18, 2025:

Kind of care


The groups work together across groups in a partially open concept. Children of different nationalities live, play and learn in our kindergarten. This gives us the opportunity to learn a lot from each other and gives us an insight into the traditions of other cultures. The building was newly constructed in 2012 and is located in the center of Erlangen. This offers the opportunity to make excursions to the botanical garden, to the weekly market or by bus and train. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:31)



Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:31)



The binding guidelines for the admission of children were drawn up by the responsible body.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:31)

Description and Stations

The Kinderhaus Stadtinsel is located in the center, right next to the botanical garden of the city of Erlangen and is part of the catchment area of Loschge elementary school.
The train station and bus stops are in the immediate vicinity. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 09:59:31)

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