Krabbelstube Erlangen e.V. "Kleine Flitzer"

6 Monate bis 3 Jahre

Krabbelstube Erlangen e.V. "Kleine Flitzer"
Johann-Kalb-Straße 17
91052 Erlangen
Funding authority
Krabbelstube Erlangen e.V. "Kleine Flitzer"
Johann-Kalb-Straße 17
91052 Erlangen
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 20
Specially educational concept Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care, parents association

Current information

This daycare centre does not take part in the place allocation process via the "Kitafinder". Registration is not possible here and must be made directly with the centre: Krabbelstube Kleine Flitzer


Our "Kleine Flitzer" day nursery is a parents' initiative and has been an integral an integral part of Erlangen for over 35 years. We have two groups 12 children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. We also offer afternoon care for up to 6 children. Our crèche is located in the two first floor apartments of a five-storey residential building in the five-storey residential building at Johann-Kalb-Straße 17, in the Röthelheimpark residential area. Röthelheimpark residential area. Large meadow and woodland plots in the immediate vicinity and beautifully landscaped footpaths are ideal for walks and observation. walks. 


Our two groups consist of a group room, an adjoining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a children's bathroom. All rooms are equipped with underfloor heating so that it is pleasantly warm in winter. As our facility is located on the first floor of an apartment building, the temperature is also pleasant in summer. Both groups have direct access to the garden via the balcony of the respective group.

Outdoor Facilities

The children from both groups can go into the garden of the facility, which is equipped with a sinking box, a nest swing and other play options

Daily Schedule

7.30 – 8.15 Uhr: Free play, dropping off the children
from 8.15 Uhr: Joint breakfast
9.00 – 10.45 Uhr: Free play, activities for painting, kneading, gluing, handicrafts, cutting, singing, dancing, making music, playing sports, dressing up, spending time outdoors, walks and observation etc. Varied activities based on wishes and needs (possibly also sleep)
10.45 – 11.00 Uhr: Washing, changing, toileting and potty training if required
around 11.00 Uhr: Hot lunch followed by preparation for the afternoon nap
12:15 Uhr: Pick-up time for the morning children
13.00 – 17:00 Uhr: Hourly pick-up time, depending on booking time
13.30 – 14.00 Uhr: Dressing and changing children who have already slept
14.00 – 17:00 Uhr: Free play and activities as in the morning
14.00 Uhr: Drop-off time for afternoon children
around 14.30 Uhr: Snack for all children
17.00 Uhr: Day nursery closes


The children receive breakfast, lunch and a snack at the appropriate times of the day.

We offer the following for breakfast and snack:

  • Yoghurt
  • Raw vegetables
  • Quark dishes
  • Muesli
  • Various types of bread
  • Fruits
  • Pretzels and rolls

Drinks are available:

  • Various teas
  • Water
  • Milk and juices (only on special occasions e.g. children's birthday parties)

Lunch is provided by BIO Catering - Christmann from Fürth. This food is special "children food", which is mainly vegetarian and occasionally supplemented with pork-free food.

Babies receive age-appropriate meals.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 10:00:29)

Offered care types at Jan 22, 2025:

Kind of care


Our daycare nursery is a valuable place of learning with a family-complementary character, where the children should feel safe and secure. An intensive and individual relationship with each child is important to us.
We work according to the situation-oriented approach, which requires close observation, empathy with the children's situation and an interest in the children's concerns. Using concrete situations in the daily routine that interest the children, we strive for a holistic education.
We support, strengthen and encourage the children's development according to their age.
The focus of our parent initiative is to respond to the needs of our parents. Parents also play an important role in the success of our daily work and work with us to create a quality concept and framework.


The staff in each group must consist of at least one educational specialist who is responsible for managing the group. In addition, two supplementary staff are employed in each group who, together with the group leader, carry out the care and educational tasks in the childcare.

There are currently four educators and three nursery nurses employed at the facility. We are also supported by an assistant.

From time to time, we also employ interns, students or stand-ins who are completing their block or annual internship, voluntary social year or federal voluntary service with us.

Cleaning of the crèche rooms is carried out by a cleaning specialist.

Teamwork with parents

Legal matters:

The legal sponsor of the crèche is a "registered association" made up of parents of children currently or formerly cared for.

Our employer is the board consisting of a chairperson and up to five other board members and a treasurer, who run the facility on a voluntary basis. Interested parents can declare their willingness to work on the board and be elected to the general meeting.

The association runs the facility on its own responsibility and according to its own ideas, in compliance with legal regulations.

We are included in the City of Erlangen's day nursery funding plan and receive municipal and state funding.


The special feature of a parents' initiative is a much higher degree of co-responsibility and cooperation than in other institutions. This means both a necessity and an opportunity for cooperation.

Participation in one of our parent groups (repair, garden, photo, toy cleaning and party committee groups) is a prerequisite. Laundry is done by the parents (bibs, washcloths, towels and children's bed linen; each pair of parents has a turn approximately every 10 weeks). Should there be a shortage of staff, we need the help of parents to look after the children (this should happen as rarely as possible in the interests of the children and parents).

All tasks and work will be distributed as fairly as possible among the parents.


Only parents who join the association can be offered a place in the crèche for their child (both parents can, but do not have to, become members).

The annual membership fee is 30 euros (those who wish to pay more are welcome to do so). There is no admission fee.

We are happy to receive any donation, whether financial or material (fruit from our own garden, home-baked cakes, collected items etc.), but also suggestions (CDs, books, toys etc.). For larger donations, we have the option of issuing donation receipts that are recognized by the tax office.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/10/2024 10:00:29)

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