Waldorfkindergarten Erlangen

3 bis 6 Jahre, bei Bedarf 7 Jahre

Waldorfkindergarten Erlangen
Noetherstraße 2
91058 Erlangen
Funding authority
Waldorfkindergarten e.V. Erlangen
Noetherstraße 2
91058 Erlangen
09131 67455
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days2 Wochen in den Weihnachtsferien,
1 Woche in den Pfingstferien, 3 1/2 Wochen in den Sommerferien

Ebenfalls kommen noch einzelne Brückentage und Teamfortbildungstage dazu, welche zu Beginn des Kindergartenjahres festgelegt sind.
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, livebased approach, nature education, Waldorf education
Therapeutic support early advancement
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care, language education, parents association

Current information

Places are not allocated via the Kitafinder. Please contact the facility directly:

mail: info@waldorfkindergarten-erlangen.de


The kindergarten is located on the southern outskirts of Erlangen, adjacent to the Brucker Lache and in close proximity to the Waldorf school. Surrounded by forests and meadows, the location enables educators to integrate nature into the educational concept and make it tangible. The city center is easily accessible both by bike and by public transport.


The architecture and interior design of the kindergarten are based on the principles of Waldorf education and anthroposophical principles. The environment should appeal to children's sensibilities and provide both stimulation and reassurance. Every detail – from colors to materials to lighting – has a physiological effect. The aim is to create a living space that directly addresses the children's attitude to life and develops an educational power. Further information can be found in the download area of ​​our website: http://www.waldorfkindergarten-erlangen.de/download.html

Outdoor Facilities

The kindergarten's outdoor areas provide a structured environment that promotes orientation and safety for children through repetitive activities and seasonal celebrations. Regardless of the weather, children engage in nature-related activities such as jumping in puddles and collecting leaves in the fall, building snowmen in the winter, and planting in raised beds in the spring. The seasonal rituals include an Advent calendar in winter, Easter walks with parents and the summer festival. Regular trips to the forest and annual trips to a farm encourage experiential learning.


When preparing food, great emphasis is placed on wholesome, organic vegetarian food. Breakfast is prepared together by the educational staff and the children, the warm lunch comes from the kitchen of the Erlangen Free Waldorf School or, if necessary, is delivered by an organic caterer to ensure the high quality of the ingredients.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/11/2024 15:33:08)

Offered care types at Mar 7, 2025:

Kind of care


The concept of the Erlangen Waldorf Kindergarten is based on the three pillars of Waldorf education: The pillars of Waldorf education are “rhythm and repetition,” which ensure stability and predictability; “Role modeling and imitation,” which promote learning through observation and imitation of adults; and “sensory care and imagination,” which promote experiential learning and creative thinking through engagement with the senses. For more information see https://waldorfkindergarten-erlangen.de

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/11/2024 15:33:08)

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